Music Video Research

Ill Manors- Plan B

-The artist, Benjamin Drew, better known by his stage name Plan B, had a difficult early life.
-He was excluded from school and sent to a PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) due to his bad behaviour, only leaving with 3 GCSEs.
-He said that Himself and the other children at the PRU had no respect for authority, the one people they listened to ere their favourite hip hop artists, some of whom negatively influenced the children.
-Plan B explained how 'Just one sentence can change your life'
-Despite most of the children coming from dysfunctional family, the the positivity and encouragement from the teachers at the PRU gave them the support they needed. 
-In 2012 he made the video 'Ill Manors' in protest to the 2011 London Riots.
-The Guardian received the Music video well, commenting that it was 'the first great mainstream protest song in years'
-However, others perceived the video as being stereotypical of the working class, labelling them as 'chavs' (Council housed and violent)
-The original meaning of chav is 'child'
However after 2004 the newspapers adopted the term to stereotype underclass young adults
-The newspapers and media demonised the youths
-Plan B made the video in order to expose this and express working class peoples anger at this stereotyping. 
