Evolution of Media Timeline

Evolution of Media Timeline 

123- a.c papyrus paper used in Egypt 

Ancient Rome- Julius Caesar ordered newspapers to be produced 

1439- first European to use printing press 

1455- Johann Gutenburg produces first book ever printed, a Latin bible 

1631- first newspaper, La Gazette, published in France 

1860- phone invented by Italian Antonio Meucci 

1888- radio invented by German Heinrich Hertz 

1889- first records 

1906- first film produced in Australia ‘The Story of the Kelly Gang’

1920- advertising originated from tobacco advertisments 

February 1924- first still image television 

October 1925- Moving image television 

1954- Colour television 

1983- internet invented 

1997- First social media site 'Six Degrees'

1999- web enters phase 2.0

2004- Facebook released 

2005- 'YouTube' first video sharing site created

2010- Instagram initially released 

September 2011- Snapchat release

2015- web enters phase 3.0

Useful articles on the evolution of media:
