Media Language: Use of camera

Media Language: Use of camera

Camera Shots, angles and movements which cannot be shown in still images are linked below:

Tracking Shot:
Camera moves in and and smoothly by using a dolly to either draw in an audience or suggest the scene is about to change.

Side ways tracking shot: 
Camera moves alongside the character to make a more natural scene.

Magnifies a character to make them bigger or smaller, focusing on aspects such as their facial expression.

Arc Shot:
Camera moves a full or semi circle around  characters or objects of interest to allow characters reactions to be viewed

Crane Shot:
Filming from a height to show characters from above.

Here are my demonstrations of camera shots, angles and movements:

Extreme long shot/Establishing shot:
Exterior shot which establishes the time and location of the set.

Long shot:
Enables the audience to see a character from head to toe, demonstrating the characters relationship with the environment.

Mid Shot: 
Provides the audience with a view of the character from the waist up so they can see the characters body language and facial expression in more detail.

Two shot:
Shot with two characters in frame to show their relationship and interaction.

Close Up:
- Characters head and shoulders visible.
- Frames a significant object.
Close up:
-Characters head and shoulders in frame. frames a significant object.

Extreme close up:
-Focus on eyes or objects to create an intense emotional centric.

Over the shoulder shot:
-Gives a view of the action taking place e.g. conversation, movement

High Angle shot: 
-Points downwards to show vulnerability.

Low Angle shot: 
-Points upwards to character to enlarge them, showing power.

Point of View Shot: 
-Shows the view from the characters perspective, allowing interaction and engagement with the character.

Panning shot:
-Follows a path to take a shot of a large area.
